Cardinal's Lunch May 2019

7 May 2019, 12:00pm–2:00pm NZST

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Here is where you register for the Cardinal's Lunch, You may purchase:
* an individual ticket for $ 115
* a table of 10 tickets for $ 1,050.00 or
* a donated table of 10 tickets for $ 1,000.00
* annual membership, where you can register for the 3 Cardinal's lunches this year for $ 300.

If you are purchasing a table of 10 tickets, you can list the names in the Seating Requirements field OR we will make contact with you to collect the names of your guests.

Payment is able to be made via credit card at the bottom of the registration via credit card.

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Contact information

Bookings for this event have now closed.

Contact the event organiser